Sunday, May 17, 2020

Management Style - 1277 Words

As you may know, different management styles are required in different parts of the world. It is important to choose the right management style for each situation, which is a key to success for an organization. All managers use a management process which consists of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. So they have to perform many roles in an enterprise. What they can do with various situations will totally depend on their style of management. A management style is an overall method of leadership used by a manager (Lessem et al, 1999). This essay will first demonstrate different types of management styles, and then discuss three key factors that can influence management style, with reference to Japan and America. Each of the†¦show more content†¦The Japanese style takes a collective form of responsibility. Those manufactures produce high product quality at a relatively lower cost (Alston, 1986). The reason is that this sense of collective responsibility has positively affected the quality standards. Product quality is cooperatively achieved by workers and managers. Japanese tend to believe the group is more important than the individual (Alston, 1986). In terms of decision-making, they probably attempt to gain consensus even if it might require more time. As to Americans, who are almost self-centered, they apparently choose to make quick decisions on their own for immediate resolution (Anderson, 2009). The second factor is staff belonging. The general principle of Japanese management is that workers form a family (Alston, 1986). As a part of the corporate ‘family’, every member not only pays attention to their own salaries, but also considers the development of the company. Pay is only one reward. There is also a sense of belongingness and support that employees receive from their corporations. On the contrary, Americans tend to indicate that there is no need for them to become familiar with one organization and colleagues before they are off again on their trips (Wellens, 1980). Perhaps individual freedom is more essential than staff belonging in their mind. This different attitude leads to diverse management styles. One consequence for Japanese is the practice of lifetime employment. TheShow MoreRelatedManagement Styles1016 Words   |  5 PagesThere are several very different types of management styles ranging from democratic which allows the subordinates to play a n active role in the decisions that management makes to autocratic which cuts the subordinate out of the decision making process allowing those in management to make a unilateral decision. Both styles have their proponents as well as their detractors. 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