Friday, December 13, 2019

Child Care Introduction to Children Free Essays

string(63) " more flexibility in certain areas of the national curriculum\." Unit 1; E1 Statutory; sectors that are fully funded but it depends on the boroughs. One example is school nurseries. In this setting professionals aim to make life in the setting feel like a family atmosphere for children to feel comfortable. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Care Introduction to Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Professionals also help children to develop with carefully chosen activities to do with the 6 learning areas, these are; language and literacy, creative development, physical development, personal social and emotional development, knowledge and understanding of the world and mathematical development. They aim to help children develop at their pace and doesn’t rush anything because they know every child is individual in their own way. The nurseries also help children feel safe and secure in the environment and give them a healthy balanced lifestyle such has healthy meals, 5 a day and run around out the garden areas. The private sector; is full costing to parents, they have to pay the cost for their children, it isn’t paid for them. One example of this is preschools. The care they offer is just that little bit more then statutory this is because the sector makes the children feel like the school is also their home and that the professionals are family. Professionals in the sector will constantly observe the children for safety. Education in this sector is organised daily, this includes creative learning, letter and number work, singing and story time to boost confidence and their understanding. Education is also provided in a way of treating the child as an individual to show they develop at their own speed. This sector will also treat special needs children equal and show no discrimination. Voluntary; a small grant is donated for them to start up there business one example is child lines and mother and toddler groups. Voluntary provides help, support, and education to children. On nspcc. org. uk is say this is doing by; 1) ‘Focusing on areas which will make the biggest difference 2) Prioritise the children at risk 3) Learn what works the best for them 4) Create leverage for change’. When the sector finds new ways to help children they will test it out to see ow it goes and if it works then they will carry on with the new idea. They educate the children by the things they say and do to them to forget about certain things in their life and to develop them to move on and stay strong. E2 Statutory sector supports children and their families by doing things that will help their children to develop and grow, they fit around parents timetables and help them to go about their daily life knowing there child is in good monitored care. The statutory sector protects children and gives their families a sense of relief. It also helps parents with educating the child in their background and helps them understand more of the culture, also helps the families get good education for their child with the cost being mostly funded for them so it’s free. The private sector supports families and their children by giving them a safe secure place and making the child feel at home. It helps families go about their schedules and have a feel of relief that their child is going to be happy where they are, it supports them in a way of helping a child become better at their strengths, and it includes everything important in the Childs life. Voluntary work supports children in helping them overcome serious happenings in their life, and to become aware of people who have experienced similar going on and to help them have a better life in the future, and gives them closure. It supports the parents by being free of cost. E3 Childrens Act 2004; The act was around in 1989 but after a lot of going on it was updated to Children’s act 2004, it planned to improve how social services worked and how people would treat the children in their care. To help the children they plan to bring multiple agencies together to protect innocent children and stop the abuse that maybe going on. The 1989 act was poor, it made it easier for abusers to get away with what they did or gets a low sentence, this is because agencies didn’t come together and share information. The children get better response for what has happened and their needs are more focused on, the court decides what is best for the child to make them safer as it is one of their rights. The act allows children and their families to come together a lot more in making them a lot afer then what they would have felt before. On surrey. gov. uk website it says ‘The Act aims to improve effective local working to safeguard and promote children’s wellbeing’. The act has a lot of intention in making a Childs well-being noticed and important and aim to do the following; * Keep the child healthy * Keeping the child safe * Help the child have fun and enjoy life m ore and achieve things they thought they couldn’t. The children act 1989 was poor; the new act 2004 was promoted in ways such as teaming a lot more agencies together to work on keeping a child safe and having rights to what they deserve. The act shows people that children have rights to an education, healthy lifestyle and to be a child and enjoy their life without any threat. Education Act 2002; This act came around in 2002, on the europarchive. org website it say that ‘It is a substantial and important piece of legislation intended to raise standards, promote innovation in schools and reform education law’. This would help children get a better and healthier education through their life and make their lifestyle normal and challenging to become what they are willing to become. The act helps children to qualify for a greater and more flexibility in certain areas of the national curriculum. You read "Child Care Introduction to Children" in category "Essay examples" This helps children become involved with other people because it joins schools together as a team to work together on the well-being of the children. Human Rights Act 1998; This act came around in 1998 and aimed to help children have major rights in their life to give their lifestyle normality and a lot more easy going when it comes to the way families are. The rights support children in a way of safety and a healthy life some examples of human rights that are important to a child’s life are; 1. reedom from torture and degrading treatment 2. the right to respect for private and family life 3. the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms 4. the right to an education If any of this rights are breached you have the right to an effective solution in law even if the breach was done by a police officer you still have the right to go to law. E4 Every child Matters; This provides every child no matter their background or circumstances the support they will need. Every child needs to be healthy which includes growing and their development as well as their emotional and physical well being, the environment needs to be a safe place for them to be able to develop, another principle is for the children to enjoy and achieve through their learning and be able to achieve economic well-being through their life. These are crucial to be in your placement for the children to develop as the first 3 years are critical. This will help children’s life become healthy and have normality to. Welfare of children is paramount (children act 1989); A child’s welfare is paramount. The idea is that when decisions are made the needs and interests of the children must come first this means they need to be recognized as an individual. This will shape children in becoming aware of routines and the way their daily life will carry on. The court determines what will be best for the child’s upbringing and decides this by these points legislation. gov. uk it states ‘the ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child concerned (considered in the light of his age and understanding). Cache Statement of values; The values in this are ways of putting the child first. To do this you will never use physical punishment towards a child, respect the parent or those in a parenting role, respect the staff in the child care industry and those involved, respect values and spiritual beliefs of the child and their family, honour the confidentiality of the child and their family. If these are not respected and done right then these could be life threatening to a child and those involved with the child. This will shape children in building their respect by showing you’re respecting others they will copy. E5 The importance of valuing and respecting children will show them that you as a member of staff or a practitioner will not judge them or label them for who they are or how they look and do certain things. It will help them understand that everyone is individual and different but that doesn’t mean to treat them any different. If you show the children respect it shows a sense of care for them and will boost their confidence. Respecting and valuing will help the child understand more on what they are doing and will help them in life, to support this on community. rg it states ‘creating environments  that foster creativity, innovation, discovery, inquiry,  questioning and problem solving. This is how settings help children increase and how it shows we respect what they need to learn and discover. it will show they are just as important as anyone else in the establishment which will make them not as shy. Their self esteem will rise if you talk to them like an adult and say more positive things, also saying their name correctly and praising them on the good shows that you value them as an individual and that learning their name also will show their important to. C The practitioner should listen to a child views and their opinions because it will help them with their confidence on showing that they can have a conversation about anything and show they have a voice to. If their confidence rises then they will communicate better with others and make new friends and be able to talk about their daily life routine a lot more and be able to say if something is wrong and if they need help. Listening to a child shows their important just like everyone else and that you value them as a person. A more confident child will tend to work harder in what they do to achieve and develop a lot more as well. The more a child is listened to the more open minded they will become and more outspoken. This will make it easier for them to become understood and will allow practitioners to identify their wants and needs. It’s a way of involving a child in decision making and showing them there are not really any wrong answer and they can learn from their mistakes. Also to show you have time to try and understand what they are saying, to support what I have said Tassoni et al (2007 page 13) ‘a child might need you to listen carefully so that you can understand what he or she is trying to say’. Also from listening to children a practitioner will gain their respect for you . A A child centred approach means to identify a child’s abilities and weakness’s and work around that with activities that they could handle, it also means to make the environment to the standard of their needs and to cater what they may need. Everything is based around the child. On growingplaces. org. uk they state ‘It allows freedom for children to think, experience, explore, question and search for answers’. Tassoni et al (2007 page 234) says ‘You will need to ensure that children’s interests are always reflected in what they do’ this is a way of ensuring the child is interested in learning and activities. The advantages of a child centred approach are that the children all gain something important to do with their life it helps families and practitioners notice their strengths and weaknesses as an individual so it is easier to help them focus on certain things. Another advantage is their needs are always catered for. They have a home like atmosphere in the environment for example toilet and sinks to keep their hygiene up also there are potties and nappies, changing rooms for those children who will need them. Their dietary is focused on and professionals will work around it. Another way of making a child centred approach is for early year practitioners to communicate this will help an individual child extend their knowledge or thinking, model ideas, prompt questions, nurture development, support the acquisition on specific skills. The disadvantages of a child centred approach is that it could make it hard for a child to go into something different like a primary school as they have not been prepared for that big leap in their life, it also makes it hard to slightly explain to a child that they can’t do something they ask as in past experience the child has always got what they have needed due to the child centred approach. I believe that the child centred approach is a good thing because it helps a child have a healthy lifestyle and helps them notice what they are going to gain and their strengths in the environment. Also that it helps them live their life as a child before rushing into something strange, the routine of their life is kept the same in some places as it is at home. E6 Confidentiality; This is an important skill because it shows that you are keeping private information about a child or a child’s household inside the nursery and not outside. This is an important skill to need in the work place with children because children will say a lot and if they say something about what may of happened to them for example abuse then it is the rules of being in a childcare establishment that you tell nobody if you on’t keep it confidential and it may not be true you could hurt someone and lose your right to work in that place. This will help support your work with children because it shows you are a trustworthy person and that you have knowledge of the rules and regulations of the workplace. It will make professionals trust you. To support what I have said in Tassoni 2007 page 11 it states ‘some of this information will be confidential information and must not be shared’. Communication; This is an important skill because you need to be confident enough to be able to talk to parents and other staff members about the children and things that will be needed to do around the work area. This will help support you working with children because you need to be able to communicate properly with the children because you will need to talk to them at different levels and know how to talk to children from babies to 11 year olds, also the be able to communicate with the other staff members to discuss planning activities or if the child is hurt you will need to communicate with the staff member and communicate in a team. Observation skills; This is important because you’ll need it to observe activities that are going on and the way children are behaving if it is appropriate or not. This will help your support with working with children because it shows that you know how to do things when working in that establishment for the future, it will help you set up activities or learn a child’s need. It shows that you can see children as an individual and that’s what you will need to do. Having this will also show that you are good at learning new things by observing how other staff members do things. E7 Time management; This would be important to support your training because being able to show up on time for a placement and to take in coursework that’s due in shows you’re determined to do well and give a good impression. Being able to keep on time also shows that you’re well organized when it comes to deadlines or dates you need to be in and that you’re taking things seriously. Managing time is not a tricky thing to do and being able to be on time for everything shows dedication. If you’re on time or early for placements it could lead to a permanent offer or a good review of your time there. The children are less developed in time management then you and will take what you do in to mind on time-management-success. com it states ‘Punctuality is a big issue in terms of time management for kids who have a less developed sense of time’. Giving Presentations; This helps support your training because it helps you take away what you’ve learnt and seen and put it up for everyone else to see your understanding. Being able to give a presentation also shows confidence and your understanding of the subject as well. It makes things easier for tutors to see how much you have developed and if you do need any help at all or if there are any errors. Note Taking; This helps support your training because it helps you go over anything you may not understand, note taking shows that you’re serious about learning things about what to do and what not to do in a placement. Also it helps you do units and give you ideas on what to write. Note taking in a placement will help you understand the difference in other childcare areas and it may lead to questions that you would like to ask to improve your knowledge. B Confidentiality; It is important to understand this boundary because working in a nursery or day-care centred even a primary school you will hear stories from the children or over here parents and staff talking about private things. The information you may hear is private and you must understand you cannot talk to anyone outside of the placement as someone who knows that family could over hear and this would affect them. A good test to know if a piece of information is confidential is to think about whether it’s common knowledge or if you only know it because of the position of you are in inside the nursery (Tassoni et al 2007). Understanding this will stop you hurting others or gossiping about other people behind their back. Health and safety; This is important to understand as a boundary also because you will need to know the child’s health issues if there are any or whether the child is safe where they are in the environment. You will need to understand what you should do if you see a gate or door open, this could be an easy way for unwanted visitors in the environment. On the premises you should as a member of staff what to do if a fire alarm goes off so you know what to do with the children when something like that does happen. If you don’t understand your limits when it comes to healthy and safety with children then you could be making a lot of mistakes and this could upset a lot of people. Also understand the limits of what a practitioner can do such as changing nappies and taking children to the toilet you may not be able to do this yet as you’re a learner. Managing A child behaviour; Practitioners may come across children with anger problems or any other behaviour problems which could be medical or non medical. When dealing with this you need to know what your limit is on how to handle them. You will need to go to a member of staff or manager and ask questions on what to do if a child has got a behaviour problem and what your limits are in dealing with this. You will also need to learn your boundaries because you could over excite a child and distract them when they must be focusing on an activity. Understanding your limit and boundaries is important on the well-being of the child. D1 There are three main types of people you as a practitioner should maintain a relationship with are; 1) Parents ) Professionals The Parents; The reason it is important to have an appropriate relationship with a parent is because you will need to talk to the parent about how their child is developing, what they have ate. What they have been doing throughout the day and if there have been any problems. You will see and need to speak to the parent occasionally on behalf of the child. The parent will need to trust you with their child and feel comfortable so they can get on with their life knowi ng their child is in safe hands. Other Professionals; It is important to maintain an appropriate relationship with other professionals as you will be working alongside them for a long time. You will be working as a team and you will need to have a relationship to feel comfortable in putting your views across and asking question on if you’re confused or not. If the relationship between you and the other professional is complicated then the children (who are your main priorities) will pick up on this atmosphere and feel wary and upset. If the child senses a positive feeling between a practitioner and professional then they will feel a sense of safety and calmness and comfort to know that nothing is going to happen and everyone will be fine. D2 Multi-agency team functions by bringing together practitioners from different sectors and professions. On cwdcouncil. org. uk they quote ‘within the workforce they provide integrated support to children and their  families, for example a ‘team around the child’ (TAC)’. The multi agency also has several professionals coming together as a team. Many benefits are in this type of agency such as support and advice on parents that need it. It helps families with young children by placing them in a onsite nursery until there finished with classes such as parenting. Multi agency is an effective way to support the children that have extra needs and help with improvement on their development. The way they make sure they meet the child and families needs is by communicating well with each other and by understanding their roles and responsibilities within the agency. As a practitioner you will need to learn what other professionals are involved in your setting and how this might affect your work. Some of the characteristics of a multi agency are cooperation/collaboration, knowledge, common goals and effective communication. This will all help you when working in a multi agency because it will help you with what you need to find out and understand more on what the parent or child will need when in an environment such as help on certain subjects, dietary and religion. It helps other professionals in an environment also to share knowledge of a family together so professionals do not ask the family the same questions over; they are well organized and serious about their roles on making life easier for families and children. E8 Bibliography Community childcare growing places – what is meant by child centred approach [online] http://www. growingplaces. org. uk/reggio. htm (13/10/2011) Children Act 1989- Welfare of the children http://www. legislation. gov. uk/ukpga/1989/41/section/1 (15/12/2011) Children Services Community Management. We Value Children. ttp://www. cscommunity. org. au/index. php? id=45 (15/12/2011) Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP. Our approach to what we do http://www. nspcc. org. uk/what-we-do/about-the-nspcc/our-approach/our-approach_ wda72244. html (12/10/2011) Multi-agency working An effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs http://www. cwdcouncil. org. uk/multiagencyworking (14/10/201 1) Tassoni P, Beth, K. Bulman, K Eldridge, H. (2007) CACHE Level 3 Child Care And Education 4th Edition Heinemann: England. THE CHILDREN ACT 2004 – OVERVIEW – Background [online] ttp://www. surreycc. gov. uk/sccwebsite/sccwspublications. nsf/f2d920e015d1183d80256c670041a50b/5e17effdd34f9726802572f30055617d/$FILE/CYPP%20Childrens%20Act%20Briefing%20v2. pdf accessed (11/10/2011) The National Archives-Main provisions of the Education Act 2002 [online] http://collections. europarchive. org/tna/20091115062646/teachernet. gov. uk/educationoverview/educationact/summary/ (13/10/2011) Time Management Success. Why is time management important. http://www. time-management-success. com/why-is-time-management-important. html (15/12/2011) How to cite Child Care Introduction to Children, Essay examples

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